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Senior age man sitting in exam chair with phoreopter in the background, talking with eye doctor before having a comprehensive eye exam.
Eye Exam

Time for an Eye Exam?

Think of your annual ophthalmology visit as a primary care check-up for your eyes. The tests given during a complete exam help identify chronic conditions that may be impacting your vision, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Damage seen to blood vessels at the back of the eye can signal changes that need to be addressed.

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woman sitting with ophthalmic technician for optical coherence testing to screen vision for glaucoma.

Word of the Month – Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that destroy delicate optic nerve fibers responsible for transmitting visual signals to the brain.  

The destruction typically occurs slowly which is why glaucoma can be so devastating. It is often only confirmed after significant damage to the optic nerve, causing permanent vision loss.

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