With Three Locations to Serve You

Length of Time for Complete Eye Exam


You may wonder why a yearly eye appointment typically lasts well over an hour. Remember that the goal is to not only measure your visual acuity for glasses or contacts, but to evaluate your complete eye health. There are lots of moving parts to your comprehensive ophthalmology visit. Your exam occurs in three distinct sections: technician testing, dilation, and exam with physician.

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Man sitting at slit lamp with eye doctor examining eyes
Eye Exam

Heart Disease Can be Discovered During an Eye Exam

Changes in the eye’s blood vessels may signal an elevated risk of heart disease, stroke or aneurysm. If your eye doctor sees any of these signs during a dilated eye exam, it could be literally life-saving!

September is Healthy Aging Month and a great time to see your eye doctor.

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woman sitting with ophthalmic technician for optical coherence testing to screen vision for glaucoma.

Word of the Month – Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that destroy delicate optic nerve fibers responsible for transmitting visual signals to the brain.  

The destruction typically occurs slowly which is why glaucoma can be so devastating. It is often only confirmed after significant damage to the optic nerve, causing permanent vision loss.

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